Centralised customer and business data

80% business comes from 20% customers

In most of businesses, we see that 80% business or revenue comes from their 20% customers. Its also true that we spend our major time in dealing with those 80% customers who brings us just 20% revenue. MeraCRM helps you to identify the right customers to focus on.

Have insights and history of customers

MeraCRM can track everything possible like calls, meetings, notes, business done, and business in pipeline, etc., This empowers businesses to get insights of customers even in the absence of employee managing these details.

Delighted customers are brand ambassadors

Insights of customers gives their personality overview to businesses. Business can use these insights to identify customer needs and provide products and solutions which match them. This turns customers into brand ambassadors and helps you take the business to next level.

Customer data

Customers are assets for any business and is not always available anywhere at any time. While sharing this data with your team, it is important to protect the data from unwanted usage. MeraCRM comes with extensive permissions to give you full control over your data.

Set permissions for customer data so as to protect it from unwanted usage

Set permissions for customer data so as to protect it from unwanted usage

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